Sunday, September 26, 2010

i find the theory that conflict is innate in human instict interesting. This theory says that it is innate in human instinct to have a sponateous, aggresive drive. It says that this is the root of all conflict. The aggressive drive was once so stonge that humans used to regularly kill each other. This is now socially unacceptable. With this theory in place, humans would be fighting each other all the time, and only the stongest would survive. This sets up a kind of survival of the fittest scenario. To control the conflict, we need some sort of sublimation or displacement; a way to take our feelings of conflict and channel them into something more useful, or into something else entirely.
This theory of conflict being innate would explain why it seems that some humans are always looking for a fight. Others are always looking to start drama within their groups of friends. These humans have no particular reason to be mad at anyone and they don't know why they would want to start a conflict, but because it is their instict, they do it.

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